how long does microblading take

How Long Does Microblading Take?

Last Updated: February 5, 2024By

Microblading has emerged as a revolutionary solution for individuals seeking perfectly sculpted and defined eyebrows. As the popularity of this semi-permanent cosmetic procedure continues to soar, prospective clients often find themselves intrigued but curious about the time commitment involved. In this article, How Long Does Microblading Take, we delve into the intricacies of microblading, exploring not only what the procedure entails but also shedding light on the factors that influence the duration of the process. As we embark on this journey, it becomes evident that the artistry and precision required for microblading extend beyond the superficial, making it imperative for both clients and enthusiasts to grasp the nuanced aspects of this transformative beauty treatment.

What Is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure designed to enhance and redefine the appearance of eyebrows. This technique involves the meticulous application of pigment to the skin’s surface using a hand-held tool with ultra-fine needles, creating hair-like strokes that mimic natural eyebrow hair. The primary objective of microblading is to achieve a more defined and symmetrical eyebrow shape that complements the individual’s facial features. Unlike traditional eyebrow tattooing, microblading results in a softer and more natural look, with the pigment fading gradually over time. The process requires a skilled and experienced microblading artist to assess the client’s facial structure, customize the eyebrow design, and meticulously implant the pigment with precision. The popularity of microblading stems from its ability to provide long-lasting, low-maintenance results that enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the face.

How Long Does Microblading Take?

The duration of a microblading session can vary depending on several factors. On average, a complete microblading procedure typically takes around two to three hours. The microblading procedure involves a pre-procedure consultation, assessing skin type, and designing the desired eyebrow shape. The time investment is due to the precision of individual hair-like strokes, numbing, and preparation. The expertise of the artist, the complexity of the design, and the client’s skin characteristics also influence the duration. Post-procedure care instructions and follow-up appointments are crucial for optimal results.

The Microblading Process

how long does microblading take

Microblading is a meticulous and artistic procedure that involves several key steps to achieve natural-looking and perfectly shaped eyebrows.

Pre-Procedure Consultation

The journey begins with a thorough consultation between the microblading artist and the client. This step is crucial for understanding the client’s expectations, discussing their goals, and assessing their facial features. The artist considers factors such as face shape, eye position, and symmetry to customize the ideal eyebrow design that complements the individual’s unique features.

Designing The Perfect Brows

Following the consultation, the microblading artist uses their expertise to design the perfect brows. This involves careful consideration of the natural eyebrow shape, arch, and tail, ensuring a harmonious and balanced appearance. The goal is to create a design that enhances the client’s facial aesthetics while maintaining a natural look.

Numbing And Preparation

To ensure the client’s comfort during the procedure, a topical anesthetic is applied to numb the eyebrow area. This step is crucial in minimizing any potential discomfort or pain associated with the microblading process. Once the numbing takes effect, the artist prepares the microblading tools, which typically include a hand-held pen with ultra-fine needles, and selects the appropriate pigment color to match the client’s natural eyebrow shade.

Microblading Technique

With the client comfortably numb, the microblading artist begins the meticulous process of creating individual hair-like strokes using the handheld tool. This step requires precision, skill, and an artistic eye to replicate the appearance of natural eyebrow hair. The strokes are strategically placed to fill in sparse areas, define the shape, and achieve a realistic and textured look. Throughout this stage, the artist constantly assesses symmetry and adjusts the stroke pattern accordingly.

Post-Procedure Care

Upon completing the microblading process, the artist provides the client with detailed aftercare instructions. These instructions typically include avoiding water contact, sun exposure, and certain skincare products during the initial healing period. Proper aftercare is essential for the longevity and success of the microblading results.

Factors Influencing The Time Taken

The duration of a microblading session is influenced by several factors, each playing a distinct role in shaping the overall time commitment of the procedure.

Skill and Experience of the Microblading Artist

Perhaps the most influential factor is the expertise of the microblading artist. A highly skilled and experienced professional can navigate the intricacies of the procedure more efficiently, potentially reducing the overall time required. Artists with extensive training, certification, and a proven portfolio are adept at creating precise strokes and customized designs.

Complexity of the Desired Brow Design

The intricacy of the desired eyebrow design significantly impacts the time taken for the microblading process. Achieving a natural look versus a bold, defined appearance requires different techniques and attention to detail. Additionally, corrective microblading for clients with previous eyebrow issues may extend the duration as the artist delicately addresses specific challenges.

Skin Type and Condition

The characteristics of the client’s skin play a crucial role in the time taken for microblading. Oily skin types may require additional care and meticulous strokes to ensure proper pigment retention, while dry skin may absorb pigment more quickly. The artist must assess the skin’s condition and adjust their approach accordingly, impacting the overall duration of the procedure.

Aftercare Instructions

Client compliance with aftercare instructions significantly influences the healing process and, consequently, the overall time commitment. Following the recommended guidelines, such as avoiding water exposure and refraining from certain skincare products, is essential for optimal results. Clients who diligently adhere to aftercare instructions contribute to a smoother healing process and potentially shorter recovery times.

Follow-up Appointments And Touch-ups

Microblading often involves follow-up appointments and touch-up sessions to perfect the results. The need for these additional visits can extend the overall time commitment, as clients return for adjustments, color enhancements, or corrections. These sessions are integral to ensuring the longevity and satisfaction of the microblading outcome.

What Is The Microblading Healing Process?

Microblading is a procedure that involves the natural healing and scabbing of eyebrows. It can cause slight redness and swelling, which usually subsides within a few hours. Over the next week, the eyebrows undergo a natural healing process. Clients should follow aftercare instructions, such as avoiding water, sun, and certain skincare products. The color may appear darker initially but gradually lightens to the desired shade. The process typically takes 4 to 6 weeks, and clients should avoid picking at the scabs to maintain pigment retention. Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to maintain the longevity of the results.

What Should I Do After The Procedure?

Following a microblading procedure requires specific aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and longevity of the results. It’s important to avoid getting the treated area wet for 7-10 days, protect eyebrows from direct sun exposure, avoid skincare products containing acids, retinoids, or exfoliants, and avoid picking at scabs or peeling. Applying the provided aftercare ointment will soothe the skin and promote healing. These guidelines will help ensure a smooth and successful recovery, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your microbladed eyebrows fully.

Is This Treatment Safe?

Yes, when performed by a trained and skilled professional in a sterile environment, microblading is generally considered safe. The procedure involves the use of disposable, single-use tools, minimizing the risk of infection. However, as with any cosmetic treatment, there are potential risks, including allergic reactions to pigments or complications during the healing process. Clients must follow aftercare instructions provided by the microblading artist to ensure a safe and successful outcome.

How Long Does It Last?

Microblading results can last one to three years, depending on skin characteristics, lifestyle, and exposure to sun and skincare products. Over time, pigment fades, and clients are advised to schedule touch-up sessions every 12 to 18 months to maintain optimal results. This ensures the longevity and vibrancy of the eyebrow enhancement.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate?

Microblading is a semi-permanent solution for enhancing eyebrow appearance, suitable for individuals with sparse or uneven eyebrows, defining or reshaping brows, or those with hair loss conditions like alopecia.

Suitable candidates should be in good health with no active skin conditions around the brow area. Microblading is customizable and can be used for natural-looking enhancements or more defined styles. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with certain medical conditions, or those prone to keloid scarring may need consultation with a healthcare professional.


How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of microblading varies widely but typically ranges from $300 to $800, depending on factors such as location, the expertise of the microblading artist, and the inclusion of follow-up appointments.

Does It Hurt?

While discomfort levels vary among individuals, most people experience minimal pain during microblading, often comparing it to the sensation of light scratching or tweezing.

Is The Touch-up Session Necessary?

Yes, a touch-up session is crucial in achieving and maintaining optimal results, addressing any fading or unevenness, and ensuring the longevity of the microblading outcome.

How Old Do I Have To Be To Get Microbladed?

The age requirement for microblading varies, but most practitioners require clients to be at least 18 years old to undergo the procedure.

Why Do You Need 2 Sessions For Microblading?

Two sessions for microblading are necessary to ensure optimal results by addressing any areas of unevenness or fading after the initial healing process, allowing the microblading artist to refine and perfect the eyebrow enhancement.


microblading is a transformative and popular solution for achieving beautifully enhanced eyebrows. With meticulous artistry and attention to detail, the procedure offers a semi-permanent alternative to traditional makeup. The healing process and aftercare instructions are crucial for the success and longevity of the results. Understanding the factors influencing the time taken and the necessity of touch-up sessions contribute to informed decision-making for those considering microblading. Overall, when performed by a skilled professional and followed by proper care, microblading can provide natural-looking, long-lasting, and confidence-boosting results for individuals seeking eyebrow perfection.

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Jillian Ruffo

As a Beauty Care and Wellness Writer, of liveandfeel I focus on the holistic concept of wellness, encompassing mental, physical, and emotional health. I create engaging content that informs and empowers readers to prioritize self-care. My content celebrates diverse definitions of beauty and encourages self-love. I explore natural ingredients, cutting-edge beauty technologies, and mindfulness practices, fostering a sense of well-rounded well-being. My goal is to inspire readers to prioritize self-care and discover the latest trends in beauty.

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