what crystals should not be in your bedroom

What Crystals Should Not Be In Your Bedroom?

Last Updated: September 13, 2023By

Crystals have long been associated with various metaphysical properties and are often used in spiritual practices to enhance energy and promote well-being. Many people incorporate crystals into their homes, including their bedrooms, believing they can positively influence the point in the space. However, only some crystals are suitable for some rooms, especially the bedroom, where tranquillity and relaxation are paramount.

This article will explore what crystals should not be in your bedroom and discuss alternative options to create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for rest and rejuvenation. By understanding which crystals to avoid and selecting appropriate alternatives, you can optimize the energy in your bedroom and enhance your overall well-being.

What Are Crystals?

Crystals are solid materials with a highly organized internal structure arranged symmetrically. They are found naturally in minerals, rocks, and synthetic forms. Crystals have metaphysical and healing properties and are used in alternative therapies like crystal healing, meditation, and energy work.

They are also valued for their aesthetic appeal, used in jewelry, decorative items, and interior design. Crystals’ natural formations and vibrant colors are admired by many, adding beauty and harmony to living spaces. Crystals have captured the human imagination for centuries and are a subject of interest for scientific and spiritual communities.

Crystal Selection Criteria For The Bedroom?

When choosing crystals for your bedroom, consider the energy and purpose of the space, as it is primarily for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Choose crystals that promote calmness, peace, and a soothing atmosphere. Avoid intense energy or stimulating properties, such as Black Tourmaline, which may be too low for the bedroom. Choose smaller, well-placed crystals that blend harmoniously with the room’s decor. Trust your intuition and personal preferences, as each individual has a unique energy and connection with crystals.

Choose crystals that bring you peace and relaxation, regardless of general guidelines. The goal is to create a tranquil environment that supports restful sleep and rejuvenation, so choose crystals that align with your intentions and bring you a sense of calm.

What Crystals Should Not Be In Your Bedroom?

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a powerful protective stone known for absorbing negative energy. However, in the bedroom, where you seek relaxation, the intense energy absorption of Black Tourmaline may disrupt the peaceful atmosphere. It can create an energetic heaviness that may interfere with sleep and hinder the release of stress and tension. Therefore, avoiding placing Black Tourmaline in your bedroom is advisable to ensure a serene environment conducive to rest.


Selenite is a beautiful crystal with a gentle and purifying energy. However, it is also known for its strong amplification properties, which can be overwhelming in the room. Selenite can magnify the power in the room, including both positive and negative aspects. As a result, it may intensify dreams, increase emotional sensitivity, or cause restlessness during sleep. To maintain a more balanced and tranquil atmosphere in the bedroom, keeping Selenite out of this space is recommended.


Hematite is a grounding crystal that can help stabilize and protect one’s energy field. While its grounding properties can be beneficial in certain situations, the intense grounding energy of Hematite may not be ideal for the bedroom. This crystal tends to anchor energy and keep you connected to the physical realm, hindering relaxation and the ability to enter a night of deep sleep. If you desire a more serene and dreamy atmosphere in your bedroom, avoiding placing Hematite in this space is best.


Labradorite is a mesmerizing crystal known for its iridescent flashes of color. It is often used for spiritual purposes and enhancing intuition. However, Labradorite’s metaphysical solid properties and stimulating energy may not suit the bedroom. Labradorite’s vibrant and transformative power can heighten mental activity, making it challenging to unwind and quiet the mind before sleep. To create a more peaceful and calming environment, excluding Labradorite from your bedroom is recommended.

Alternative crystals for the bedroom

what crystals should not be in your bedroom

Crystals can be a wonderful addition to the bedroom, as they are believed to influence the energy and ambiance of the space. Here are some crystals that are commonly used in bedrooms for their calming, soothing, and positive properties:

  • Amethyst: Known as the stone of tranquility, amethyst promotes relaxation, stress relief, and a peaceful sleep environment. It is also said to help with insomnia and nightmares.
  • Rose Quartz: Often called the stone of love, rose quartz emits gentle, loving energy, creating a nurturing atmosphere in the bedroom. It can help promote harmony and improve relationships.
  • Selenite: Selenite has a calming and purifying effect, helping to create a serene and peaceful environment. Its soft glow can add a soothing ambiance to the room.
  • Blue Lace Agate: This crystal is known for its calming properties, helping to reduce anxiety, tension, and stress. It can promote a night of restful and peaceful sleep.
  • Lepidolite: Lepidolite is a stone associated with tranquility and relaxation. It contains lithium, which is often used in anxiety and stress relief medications.
  • Amber: Amber is believed to have gentle, warm energy that promotes a sense of comfort and security. It’s also thought to help with sleep issues in some individuals.
  • Celestite: This crystal is often used for enhancing dream recall and facilitating peaceful sleep. It is associated with higher realms and can bring a sense of calm and serenity to the bedroom.
  • Howlite: Howlite is known for its calming energy and can help reduce insomnia and promote a sense of tranquility.
  • Moonstone: Moonstone is linked to the cycles of the moon and is said to enhance intuition and promote restful sleep.
  • Smoky Quartz: Smoky quartz can help to neutralize negative energy and create a sense of grounding and balance in the bedroom.

What Combinations Of Stones Shouldn’t I Keep in the Bedroom?

`Some stones have powerful energies that can affect your sleep quality, mood, and well-being. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of what combinations of stones you keep in your bedroom. Here are some examples of what combinations of stones you should avoid in the bedroom:

  • Hematite and amethyst: Hematite is a grounding stone that can help you feel more stable and secure. Amethyst is a calming stone that can promote relaxation and intuition. However, when combined, these two stones can create a conflicting energy that can disrupt your sleep and cause nightmares.
  • Citrine and moonstone: Citrine is a stone of abundance, joy, and creativity. Moonstone is a stone of intuition, femininity, and cycles. However, when combined, these two stones can create a restless energy that can make you feel anxious, impatient, or overstimulated.
  • Black tourmaline and rose quartz: Black tourmaline is a stone of protection, cleansing, and grounding. Rose quartz is a stone of love, compassion, and healing. However, when combined, these two stones can create a dull energy that can make you feel depressed, apathetic, or isolated.

These are just some examples of what combinations of stones you should avoid in the bedroom. Of course, everyone’s energy is different and you may have different reactions to different stones. The best way to find out what works for you is to experiment with different combinations and see how they make you feel. You can also consult a crystal expert or a book on crystal healing for more guidance.

The Worst Crystals For Sleep

Crystals are often used for healing, protection, and manifestation purposes, but some of them can also interfere with your sleep quality. Here are some of the worst crystals for sleep that you should avoid placing near your bed or wearing at night.

  • Clear quartz: This crystal is known for its amplifying and energizing properties, which can stimulate your mind and keep you awake. Clear quartz can also enhance your dreams and make them more vivid, which can disrupt your sleep cycle.
  • Citrine: This crystal is associated with abundance, joy, and creativity, but it can also make you restless and overactive. Citrine can boost your confidence and motivation, but it can also prevent you from relaxing and winding down before bed.
  • Red jasper: This crystal is a powerful grounding and stabilizing stone, but it can also increase your physical energy and stamina. Red jasper can help you overcome challenges and obstacles, but it can also make you feel restless and agitated at night.
  • Hematite: This crystal is a great protector and cleanser of negative energy, but it can also create a strong magnetic field that can affect your sleep. Hematite can shield you from harmful influences, but it can also interfere with your natural circadian rhythm and melatonin production.
  • Fluorite: This crystal is a wonderful enhancer of mental clarity, focus, and concentration, but it can also overstimulate your mind and make it hard to fall asleep. Fluorite can help you solve problems and make decisions, but it can also cause you to overthink and worry at night.

General Tips For Incorporating Crystals Into The Bedroom

  • Placement: Choose a strategic location for your crystals in the bedroom. You can place them on a bedside table, windowsill, or dresser. Consider the energy flow and ensure they are easily visible and accessible.
  • Intention Setting: Before placing crystals in your bedroom, set clear intentions for their purpose. Whether it’s promoting relaxation, enhancing love and relationships, or improving sleep, infuse your crystals with your desired energy and affirmations.
  • Cleansing and Charging: Regularly cleanse and charge your crystals to maintain optimal energy. You can wash them with moonlight, sunlight, smudging, or cleansing crystals like Selenite. Charging can be done by placing them in the moonlight or with the help of other crystals like clear Quartz.
  • Crystal Combinations: Experiment with combining different crystals to create a harmonious energy in your bedroom. For example, you can pair rose Quartz with Amethyst to enhance love and tranquillity or clear Quartz with Citrine for amplifying positive energy and abundance.
  • Intuitive Selection: Trust your intuition when choosing crystals for your bedroom. Pay attention to the crystals that resonate with you and align with your intentions. Everyone has unique energy preferences, so select crystals that speak to you personally.
  • Mindful Placement: Be conscious of the placement of your crystals, ensuring they do not disrupt the flow of energy or create clutter in your bedroom. Maintain a balanced and organized space to facilitate a peaceful and serene environment.


Where Should I Keep My Crystals?

You can keep your crystals in various places, such as on a bedside table or shelf, in a dedicated crystal grid or altar, or even carry them in a pouch or jewelry. Please choose a location that feels intuitively right and allows you to connect with their energy efficiency.

What Combinations Of Stones Shouldn’t I Keep In The Bedroom?

Avoid combinations of stones in the bedroom with conflicting energies or properties, such as combining energizing stones like Carnelian with calming stones like Amethyst. Choosing crystals with complementary properties is best for creating a harmonious and balanced environment in your bedroom.

What To Avoid With Quartz?

Avoid exposing quartz crystals to prolonged direct sunlight, which can cause discoloration or fading.
Additionally, be cautious with scorching temperatures or sudden temperature changes, as Quartz can be sensitive to thermal shock and may crack or break.

Where Should Amethyst Be Placed In The Bedroom?

Amethyst can be placed on a bedside table or under your pillow to promote restful sleep and relaxation in the bedroom. Its calming energy can help alleviate stress and create a serene atmosphere.

What Can Damage Quartz Crystals?

Exposure to prolonged direct sunlight or extreme temperatures can damage quartz crystals.


Crystals can improve well-being and energy, but choosing the right ones for our bedrooms is crucial. Avoid intense crystals like Black Tourmaline, Selenite, Hematite, and Labradorite, as they may disrupt a peaceful sleep environment. Instead, choose crystals like Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and Citrine, which promote calmness, love, relaxation, and balance. Trust your intuition when selecting crystals, as a serene and nurturing environment can enhance overall well-being and promote a more peaceful sleep experience.

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Claire Lower

Claire is LiveandFeel Senior Food Editor. She has a BS in chemistry, a decade of food journalism experience, and a deep love for mayonnaise and MSG. As a Senior Food & Beverage Writer for liveandfeel, where I generate exciting content covering topics such as culinary trends, recipes, and perhaps even health and wellness aspects related to food. that not only informs but also captivates a sizable audience.

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