How To Get Sweat Smell Out Of Mattress

How To Get Sweat Smell Out Of Mattress?

Last Updated: February 5, 2024By

Your mattress is meant to be a sanctuary of rest and comfort, a place where you can escape from the demands of the day and recharge for the challenges of tomorrow. However, over time, it’s not uncommon for mattresses to develop an unwanted companion – the lingering, unpleasant smell of sweat. The accumulation of sweat and its associated odor can affect your sleep quality and create discomfort and hygiene concerns.

This article How To Get Sweat Smell Out Of Mattress? discusses the causes of sweat odor in mattresses and provides a guide on eliminating it. It covers preventative measures, tools, and cleaning methods. Alternative methods and long-term maintenance tips are also discussed. The goal is to create a fresh, odor-free mattress, promoting a healthier sleep environment. The article aims to help readers enjoy restful nights on their revitalized mattresses.

Understanding The Causes Of Sweat Odor

The development of sweat odor in mattresses can be attributed to a combination of factors. As we sleep, our bodies naturally release sweat, and this moisture can penetrate our bed linens and seep into the mattress over time. Sweat is primarily composed of water but contains salts and various organic compounds.

When these substances come into contact with the materials within your mattress, such as foam, fabric, and even the springs, they create an environment conducive to bacteria growth.

These bacteria thrive in the warm, damp conditions created by sweat, and their metabolic processes can produce the unpleasant odors that we associate with a sweaty mattress. Over time, this can lead to the accumulation of an unwelcome aroma, affecting not only the overall cleanliness of your bed but also your sleep quality. Understanding these causes is the first step towards effectively addressing and eliminating sweat odor from your mattress.

Prevention Is the First Step

Preventing sweat odors from developing in your mattress is more accessible than dealing with the problem after it occurs and essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic sleep environment. Here’s why prevention is the first step in keeping your mattress fresh:

  • Use a Mattress Protector: Invest in a good-quality mattress protector. These waterproof covers are a barrier, preventing sweat and other liquids from penetrating the mattress. They are easily washable and protect your mattress from stains and odors.
  • Promote Proper Ventilation in the Bedroom: Ensure your bedroom is well-ventilated. Proper air circulation reduces moisture buildup, a common cause of sweat odors. Open windows, use fans or consider a dehumidifier if your bedroom tends to be humid.
  • Regularly Change and Wash Bed Linens: Sweat can penetrate your bed linens, leading to a buildup of odors in the mattress. Change your sheets, pillowcases, and mattress protectors regularly, and wash them with a quality detergent. This helps maintain a fresh and clean sleep environment.

By proactively implementing these prevention measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of sweat odors on your mattress. Not only will your mattress stay fresher for longer, but you’ll also enjoy a more comfortable and hygienic place to rest each night.

Why Does Sweat Leave Stains?

Sweat can leave stains on various materials, including clothing and bedding, for several reasons:
Mineral Content: Sweat contains minerals like salt (sodium chloride). When sweat dries on fabric, these minerals can crystallize and form visible stains. These salt crystals can be challenging to remove, especially from delicate fabrics.

  • Bodily Oils and Products: Sweat is not just composed of water and salt. It also contains oils, fats, and proteins from the body. These substances can leave behind residue that can discolor fabrics or bedding materials over time.
  • Chemical Reactions: Depending on the specific composition of sweat and the materials it contacts, chemical reactions can lead to discoloration. For example, the interaction between the salt in sweat and certain dyes in fabrics can result in stains.
  • eat and Time: Heat from the body and surrounding environment can accelerate staining. The longer sweat remains on the material and is exposed to heat, the more likely it is to cause discoloration.
  • Laundering Habits: How we care for our clothing and bedding can also impact whether sweat stains develop. Using excessive heat during washing and drying, or using bleach, for instance, can set sweat stains and make them more challenging to remove.

Tools And Materials You Will Need

Certainly! Here’s an explanation of each step in the “Tools and Materials You Will Need” section for getting the sweat smell out of a mattress:

  • Baking Soda: Baking soda is a versatile and effective odor neutralizer. It will help absorb and eliminate the sweat odor from your mattress. Its fine particles also make it easy to work into the fabric.
  • White Vinegar: White vinegar is known for its disinfecting properties. It will help kill any bacteria or microorganisms causing the odor. Additionally, it can assist in breaking down sweat stains and deodorizing the mattress.
  • Essential Oils: Essential oils, like lavender or tea tree oil, are optional but highly recommended. They add a pleasant fragrance to your mattress and have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. This step will ensure your mattress smells fresh and is more hygienic.
  • Vacuum Cleaner with an Upholstery Attachment: The vacuum cleaner will be used to remove the baking soda after it has had time to absorb odors. The upholstery attachment is essential because it’s gentler on the mattress’s surface than a regular brush or nozzle.
  • Clean Cloth or Sponge: You’ll need a clean cloth or sponge to apply the white vinegar and essential oil solution to the mattress. This will help ensure even distribution of the cleaning mixture and targeted treatment of specific stains or areas.

Step-by-Step Guide to How To Get Sweat Smell Out Of Mattress?

How To Get Sweat Smell Out Of Mattress

1. Strip the Bed

The first step in eliminating sweat odor from your mattress is to strip the bed of all linens, including sheets, pillowcases, and mattress protectors. This exposes the mattress to the cleaning process. Wash these linens separately to prevent any lingering odor from spreading to your freshly cleaned mattress.

2. Vacuum the Mattress

Using a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment, thoroughly vacuum the entire mattress surface. This step removes loose debris, dust, and any surface particles that may contribute to the odor. Pay extra attention to seams, crevices, and corners, as sweat and debris can accumulate in these areas.

3. Sprinkle with Baking Soda

Evenly sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire mattress surface. Baking soda is a robust odor absorber and will work to neutralize the sweat smell. Gently rub it into the fabric, and let it sit for at least 15-20 minutes or longer for more stubborn odors.

5. Let it Sit

Allow the baking soda to sit and work its magic. The longer you leave it, the more effective it will be at absorbing and neutralizing the sweat odor. You can leave it on overnight or overnight for the best results.

6. Vacuum Again

After the baking soda has had time to absorb the odors, use the vacuum cleaner with the upholstery attachment once more to remove the baking soda. Make sure you get every nook and cranny.

7.Spot Clean with Vinegar

Create a cleaning mixture by mixing white vinegar with water (1:1 ratio) in a spray bottle. Gently spray any noticeable stains or areas with odor, taking care not to saturate the mattress. Blot the area with a clean cloth or sponge. The vinegar will help break down any remaining odor-causing compounds.

8.Add a Pleasant Scent with Essential Oils

To give your mattress a fresh and pleasant scent, mix a few drops of your preferred essential oil, like lavender or tea tree oil, with water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the mattress with the solution. These essential oils also have natural antibacterial properties, further enhancing the freshness and hygiene of your mattress.

Following these steps will eliminate the sweat smell and leave your mattress clean, fresh, and ready for a comfortable night’s sleep. Remember to allow the mattress to fully dry before remaking the bed, and enjoy the results of your efforts for a more pleasant and hygienic sleeping environment.

Alternative Methods

Indeed, here are brief explanations of the alternative methods for removing sweat smell from a mattress:

1.Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning involves using a steam cleaner with an upholstery attachment to disinfect your mattress. The high-temperature steam helps kill bacteria and remove odors by breaking down sweat residues. After steam cleaning, allow the mattress to dry thoroughly before using it again.

2.Sunlight And Fresh Air

This natural method involves taking your mattress outside on a sunny day. Sunlight and fresh air help eliminate odors by killing bacteria and drying out moisture. Place the mattress in direct sunlight for a few hours, ensuring both sides are exposed. This method can effectively eliminate odours but may take some time.

3.Professional Mattress Cleaning Services

Consider hiring professional mattress cleaning services if you’re dealing with a persistent or severe sweat odor issue. They use specialized equipment and techniques to deep clean and deodorize your mattress. This option is ideal for situations where DIY methods are ineffective and you want a thorough, expert solution.

Tips for Long-Term Mattress Maintenance

Maintaining a clean and comfortable mattress is an ongoing process. Here are some valuable tips for long-term mattress maintenance:

  • Rotate Your Mattress: Rotate your mattress every 3-6 months to promote even wear and prevent sagging. This helps extend its lifespan and maintains overall comfort.
  • Air Out the Mattress Regularly: Whenever possible, expose your mattress to fresh air and sunlight. This natural disinfectant can help eliminate odors, bacteria, and moisture.
  • Invest in a Quality Mattress Protector: Use a waterproof and breathable mattress protector to shield your mattress from spills, stains, and sweat. Wash the protector regularly to maintain cleanliness.
  • Practice Good Sleep Hygiene: Shower before bed to remove oils and sweat from your body. This can reduce the transfer of sweat to your mattress.
  • Keep Your Bedroom Clean: Dust and vacuum your bedroom regularly to prevent dust mites and allergens from settling on your mattress.
  • Avoid Eating or Drinking in Bed: Food and drink spills can be challenging to clean and may lead to odors and stains. Keep your mattress in a food-free zone.
  • Handle Stains Promptly: If you spill something on your mattress, clean it promptly using appropriate stain-removing techniques. Check the care instructions for your mattress and follow them carefully.

Is New Mattress Smell Harmful?

New mattress smell, or “off-gassing,” is commonly caused by releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from materials like foams, adhesives, and synthetic fabrics. Although the odor can be unpleasant, most chemicals are not considered toxic in their low concentrations. Many mattress manufacturers follow industry standards and regulations to limit harmful chemicals in their products.

However, the smell can be bothersome for those sensitive to odors or respiratory issues. To accelerate the dissipation of the odor, allow the mattress to air out in a well-ventilated room. For those with severe chemical sensitivities or concerns about materials, opt for mattresses with CertiPUR-US or GREENGUARD certifications, which indicate that the mattress has been tested for harmful chemical emissions and meets specific indoor air quality standards.

How To Get Rid Of The New Mattress Smell?

Getting rid of the new mattress smell, often called the “off-gassing” odor, is a common concern when purchasing a new mattress. This smell is usually the result of the materials used in the manufacturing process, such as adhesives, foam, and synthetic fabrics. To eliminate this odor, remove all bedding and allow the mattress to air out in a well-ventilated room.

Opening windows and using fans expedite the process by increasing air circulation. To neutralize odors in a mattress, use baking soda or activated charcoal bowls near it. Exposure to direct sunlight can help break down odor-causing compounds. Be patient; the smell will gradually dissipate over time, resulting in a comfortable, odor-free sleep surface within days to weeks. Remember to be patient and patient with your new mattress.


Can Sweat Ruin A Mattress?

If not properly managed and cleaned, sweat can ruin a mattress over time by causing odor, stains, and even mold growth.

How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of The Mattress Smell?

The time it takes to get rid of mattress smell, often from off-gassing, can vary, but typically, it dissipates within a few days to a few weeks with proper ventilation and care.

How Long to Air Out New Mattress?

Airing out a new mattress to reduce the off-gassing smell usually takes around 2-7 days in a well-ventilated room. Still, it may vary depending on factors like mattress construction and sensitivity to odors.

How to Get Smoke Smell Out Of Mattress

To get the smoke smell out of a mattress, try using baking soda, ventilating the room, and using activated charcoal to absorb the odor.

How To Remove Sweat Stains From Sheets & Pillowcases

To remove sweat stains from sheets and pillowcases, pre-treat them with white vinegar and water, then launder them in hot water with an enzyme-based laundry detergent to break down the stains effectively.


In conclusion, addressing sweat odors in your mattress is essential for maintaining a clean and comfortable sleep environment. Following the steps outlined in this guide and practising preventive measures, you can ensure your mattress remains fresh, odor-free, and conducive to a good night’s rest. Regular maintenance and care are crucial to enjoying the full benefits of your mattress for years to come.

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Monique Valeris

Monique Valeris is a prominent house editor with a keen eye for design and a passion for creating warm and stylish interiors. With a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective, she blends contemporary trends with timeless elements to create aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces. Valeris's editorial contributions extend beyond the printed page, engaging with her audience through various platforms to share insights and tips. Her ability to effortlessly blend different design styles and her dedication to promoting inclusivity within home aesthetics set her apart as a leader in the field.

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